Outstanding pro wrestler Chris Hero interviews KG in person for the 1 year anniversary episode aka Episode Zero with Chris Hero! Chris talks to KG about being born too early, DIY, family life, early days in wrestling, Mick Foley, Bob Backlund, Gathering Memories, Madman Pondo, New York Hardcore, first exposure to ICP, Sami Zayn, Jim Duggan, ODB (The Rapper), working at Rockstar Games, moving to California, Eidos Interactive, Hero and Cabana, Great Milenko, Striving for Togetherness Records, Stranglemania, making the Backyard Wrestling Games, El Drunko, and so much more! “Find out who the man is behind the Mic”-Chris Hero, Pro Wrestling Guerilla, WWE, NXT, Insane Clown Posse, Kevin Gill, Positive Mental Attitude, Chris Jericho, Jim Ross, Steve Austin, King Of Indies.
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Week 43- Guest: Comedian Ron Funches