Part 3 with Sean Xpac Waltman to chat about talking out of his ass, the differences between WWE and TNA, the power of positive thought, Kevin Nash, pissing ON bullies, his podcast with Johnny FairPlay, El Generico, Robocop, Insane Clown Posse, Shockmaster, Raven, Jeff Jarrett, Jerry Lynn, The Clique, Chyna, 2 Tuff Tony, flaming fists, Tommy Dreamer’s surgery, working with a flamethrower, psychic vampires, and negative people.
KG gives thanks and talks about the year of 2014, JCW’s first show of 2015, Global Force Wrestling, Vampiro, Dignified Bastard, Jim Ross, AJ Styles, Colt Cabana, Marty DeRosa, Shining Wizards, King Of Indies, and reveals some guests for the new year!
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Week 40 – Guest: Sean Waltman PART 2!
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Week 42- Guest: Chris Hero interviews KG