AMB stop by to talk about their bomb ass new album The Garcia Brothers, growing up in a band, dreams of wrestling glory, Violent J, Shaggy 2 Dope, seeing ICP for first time, the Jeff Jarrett incident, DIY, recording at the Lotus Pod, 2 Live Crew, Scott Hall, the genius of Paul Heyman, connection between brothers, Monday Night Wars, Psychopathic family, PMA, The Gathering Of The Juggalo, future projects, Vince McMahon, Tommy Dreamer & so much more in this laid back conversation and zombie pizza break recorded on the road.
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Week 22 – Guest Colt Cabana
dope shit fam
just heard amb say they won the underground psychos by 7 votes. thats awesome because i personally asked anyone i saw around the gathering if they were gonna use their token of they said no i asked if i could have it and if they gave it to me i voted for amb.
just heard amb say they won the underground psychos by 7 votes. thats awesome because i personally asked anyone i saw around the gathering if they were gonna use their token if they said no i asked if i could have it and if they gave it to me i voted for amb.
Kevin Gill Show & AMB is the only inspiration i have had in doing my own thing. And now i produce some bomb ass tracks and write some amazing songs that i never thought id be able to do and i just keep getting better with each one. Watch out for me KG. Its my life dream to be on the kevin gill show some day. Thank you Kevin for your time you put into this podcast.